Versatile Baked Tofu

Tofu is one of those foods that takes a little bit of craftiness to make delicious.

But it’s worth finding a few tofu recipes to have at your fingertips.

It is a fabulous protein option; it’s a complete protein (like animal foods), but also has health benefits that meats don’t have (like a bit of fibre, calcium, and antioxidants).

Soy, in general, has been exonerated as far as having negative estrogenic effects. If anything, the bulk of the research points to soy having a protective or neutral effect, even considering hormone-sensitive cancer risk.

Some auto-immune conditions and food sensitivities can be exacerbated by soy, but this is on an individual basis and does not apply to everyone.

On the culinary front, tofu is an easy protein to always have on hand for those times that you don’t have a plan. This is especially true with this recipe that I often double and keep in the fridge to add to all sorts of dishes. These tasty little cubes go best in stir-fries, but they also work in pasta, salads, pizzas and sandwiches/wraps. I’ve even snacked on these.

Diversity is a cornerstone of a healthy diet (especially as far as the microbiome is concerned), so if you’re finding your meals are 90% chicken, go ahead and branch out a little.

How to prep baked tofu

1 block extra firm tofu . 1 Tbsp. light soy or tamari sauce . 1 Tbsp honey . 1 Tbsp any vinegar . 1 Tbsp tomato paste . 1/2 tsp dried rosemary (optional)

  1. Press the Tofu for 20 minutes or more: Place b/w 2 plates and stack something heavy on top

  2. Stir together all the other ingredients in a large flat dish

  3. Slice the tofu into 8 slices and lay flat in the marinade. Flip each slice once to get coverage on both sides. Marinate for 20 minutes or longer.

  4. Heat the oven to 400F

  5. Space out the slices evenly on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Baste the top with leftover marinade.

  6. Bake for 30 minutes. Dice into bite size cubes.

Mix into saucy stir-fries or pasta dishes; layer atop salads and pizzas; fold into wraps and slice into sandwiches.

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