It’s is one of those crucial, make-or-break-you skills.
A well-honed meal routine keeps diet on track automatically.
Keeps costs down too!
But it’s not just about skills. It’s also about habits. And mindsets. It’s deceptively tricky to develop a meal planning routine.
Getting a personalized meal plan isn’t enough.
Our daily eating patterns are so familiar and entrenched that a whole set of new suggestions is too overwhelming. It usually short-circuits motivation in the end.
I’ve seen this so many times: I give shiny meal plan. You try one or two new things. You return to comfortable patterns.
Over the years, I’ve designed a meal planning program with my clients to address meal ideas PLUS skills, habits, and mental blocks.
Instead of drafting your meal plan for you, I partner with you to slowly and systematically incorporate meal planning into your daily life.
We will connect weekly to ‘talk shop’.
Quick, frequent, focused chats by video, phone, and text over 4 or 6 weeks will allow us to:
focus on upgrading your current choices rather than introducing recipes that seem foreign to you
keep motivation engaged since it’s much easier to rise to the challenge of something you already know than complete novelty
identify simple things that are tripping you up in the moment, and solve them
stay engaged in the process of building new patterns
pick up healthy rules of thumb when you need to pivot
try on various meal plan formats: static rotations or selective plans to keep you prepared but flexible
sample systems of staying organized and productive
operationalize your time to work meal prep into your day
strengthen routines for shopping, chopping, prepping
Throughout this process we will experience which meals and approaches feel rewarding enough to override old and convenient habits.
We’ll learn about hidden preferences and needs to keep you comfortably on track.
The ultimate goal is not another set of recipes to follow.
It’s the establishment of automations that make meal planning happen as part of the normal rhythm of your day!
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