Sometimes following a highly structured dietary pattern that has some research behind it is the best fit..
Most such diet patterns feature certain food exclusions.
Optimize your efforts by ensuring you’re meeting all your nutritional needs and maximizing your diet’s potential
This is the diet with the most research behind it.
It’s also the most flexible and does not exclude any foods.
But, there is a specific structure needed to benefit from the identified health effects:
lower risk of certain cancers
lower risk of Diabetes (by more than 50%) and improved blood sugar control
lower risk of Cardiovascular Disease (by up to 30%)
protection against cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
protection from kidney disease
lower risk of depression and anxiety
From Felxitarian to Vegan to variants in between that juggle dairy, eggs, and fish to various degrees, plant-centric diets are demonstrably heart healthy and cholesterol lowering.
There are also ethical and environmental reasons to follow a plant-based pattern.
But nutrition doesn’t just work itself out.
A little bit of strategy can ensure you have everything you need, including the culinary creativity to make meals fabulous!
Ancestral-type diets focus on nutritionally dense, unprocessed foods that humans have the longest history of consuming. There is evidence for beneficial effect on blood sugar, weight, and cholesterol of the Paleo pattern.
This approach can be helpful for food sensitivities as it avoids many of the foods often implicated in food reactions: dairy, wheat, peanuts, legumes.
The Autoimmune Protocol is the strictest version of Paleo that serves as an elimination diet to help identify foods that may stimulate immune/inflammatory responses in susceptible people.
Research is emerging on potential health benefits of low carb/high fat diets for both blood sugar and insulin control as well as potential brain health benefits.
Depending on the level of restriction, this approach can be quite vulnerable to nutritional gaps.
There are also many tips and tricks to making low/no carb meals interesting.
This is still a diet pattern that’s helpful with weight loss and liver health.
In addition to finding where all the added fats hide, the trick is to ensure you’re choosing the right types of carbohydrates and proteins instead!
If there’s a diet pattern you need help with
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